Saturday, November 11, 2017

Last Man Standing

This week one of the most wonderful things in the world happened. My best friend, sister in the battle of infertility, and creator of the blog Utahn Gone Texan gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy in the entire world! He is their perfect little rainbow baby, and is already so loved over here, even though we haven't met him.

Oliver Bryon Myers will be a force to be reckoned with.  I have no doubt in my mind that Marissa and Cody will be the perfect parents.  I am so excited to see the amazing things that this family will do together.  Don't worry, I'm already planning his first trip to Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  I'm pretty sure he'll be a Hufflepuff, just like his Aunt Leah.  

Even more I wanted to share this not because I'm beaming just as much as the proud parents, but if you've been brought here because of you struggle with infertility, I highly suggest you take a look at Marissa's blog.  Cody and Marissa are two of the strongest people I know.  After two ectopic pregnancies, emergency surgery, and struggling to get pregnant again, I've watched them come out the other side humbled, smarter, and so strong together. Their story is one of determination and love, and I can only see even more adventures and exciting things coming from their family and Marissa's blog!

With the birth of Oliver, came the realization for me that I'm what I like to call "The last man standing."  Out of my female friends that I talk to on a weekly basis, I'm the last one that isn't a mom.  When I first realized it, it was a little hard.  A lot of times I feel like it's my fault.  I knew about my possible infertility struggles since I was 18 and was diagnosed with celiac disease.  I've spent most of my time covering up my fear with "I never want kid."  Even for the first couple years of our marriage I was adamant that kids probably weren't for me.  As I got older, and Cory was ready to be a dad, my story changed to "I'm not ready, next year." Sometimes I wonder if we would have started infertility care sooner, or I would have been less guarded about really wanted to have a family, would be here today?  Life is full of what if's, and some days it's hard not to dwell on them.   Honestly, I think yes.  I can in no way regret so many of the adventures Cory and I have been able to embark on together.  It's hard to live with the misplaced guilt a lot of days, but I truly believe we are doing what we are meant to do.  This is the way our family is meant to start.  This is gods plan for us.  I just have to remember that in hopefully less than a year, baby Oliver will gain a very best friend!

For now, we focus on remembering that there is joy in our wait.  We're in a period of waiting on translators, government agencies, and social workers.  Things are currently out of our hands.  So we will enjoy all of our friends perfect babies, and drool over the pictures of Oliver's fat rolls.  Bring me your babies and children and let me love them forever! I'm already ready to force them to be Lil' Giff's best friend.