Monday, July 3, 2017

Meet the Giff's!

This is our journey to "fill the middle seat," metaphorically and literally! Our story of starting a family. All the trials, setbacks, and endless paperwork that may come from it.  You may ask, why is this titled "Filling the Middle Seat?"  Well, travel is a huge part of our lives. Not only do we love to do it, but as a flight attendant for a major airline, traveling is literally my job! We are tired of arguing over who gets to sit in the middle when we go on our adventures. The best solution, add someone young and impressionable to persuade into the middle seat!

A little about us:

Coordinating shirts and Disneyland in the spring. Two of my favorite things!

I'm Leah, and this is my husband Cory. Together we are the Giff's!  We're both from Utah, but are currently living in middle of nowhere Arizona.  We are Disneyland Annual Passholders, comic book enthusiast, video game addicts, board game connoisseurs, and Harry Potter experts. We're what people would usually refer to as "Nerds".

Our pilgrimage to the Wizard World of Harry Potter. 

We're currently a family of 6. Myself and Cory, as well as our dog Bert and our 3 cats: Chloe, Bandit, and Arthas.  As much as we love our pets, we'd love for our family to grow by one more. Preferably one with less fur, and the ability to walk on two legs!

The infamous Bert the Flirt.  

You may ask, why start a blog about starting a family? People do it everyday, what makes you special!?  In truth, nothing makes us special.  We've struggles with the same thing that millions of people before us have.  We've been married for 7 years, and a few years ago decided time was creeping up on us, and we should consider the future. Through periods of trying, then not trying, then trying, then test, and procedures, we were smacked in the face with infertility.  We haven't exercised all our possible infertility options, but with little insurance support, and lots of praying, we have been looking into the process of adoption. This is our story. Start to finish, beginning to end. No promises of an outcome, and no decisions made. Follow along if your ready for a road of indecisiveness and way more than you needed to know!

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